Who we are

The Reos Institute acts as a force multiplier for collaborative initiatives aimed at systems change. 

The Reos Institute has been created to avoid the pitfalls and contribute to the successes of multi-stakeholder collaborations. It aims to ensure that time, attention, and resources invested in such efforts are used effectively and that the relationships, insights, and capabilities generated are activated for real impact.

Our uniqueness

  • We enable agency at the system level, beyond individual people and institutions.  

  • We enable radical co-creation through inclusive and active contributions of all stakeholders. 

  • We take a long-term view on systems change and build lasting partnerships.

  • We actively build collaborative capabilities, recognising that collaboration in complex, dynamic and polarised situations does not happen by itself. 

  • We rigorously leverage existing knowledge and share our learning.  

  • We work proactively with power.  


The Reos Institute is a legally independent, tax exempt, non-profit entity, registered in the canton of Geneva, Switzerland.  The Association has no profit purposes or commercial activity, and no particular or exclusive political or religious affiliation. It is governed by an executive board, elected by the membership.  

Our global network

We are part of the global Reos network, and share its ethos, name and core approach. 

  • The Reos Institute is born out of a global social impact company called Reos Partners, which helps teams of stakeholders make progress together on their most important and intractable issues. Over the past two decades, the Reos Partners team has worked on several hundred multi-stakeholder processes on six continents, and on topics spanning all of the Sustainable Development Goals. They have worked alongside, trained, and coached convenors of systems change initiatives and contributed to the strategic architecture, facilitation, evaluation, and leadership of such efforts. They have generated and published new knowledge and approaches for working with diverse others in an increasingly polarised world.

  • Since 2013, the non-profit Instituto Reos in Brazil has successfully convened and resourced multiple initiatives including on education, civil society development, and democracy. It has led and hosted complex convening alliances of multiple institutions working on a given problem in situations where none of these institutions would have had the sufficient credibility and impartiality to lead on its own. The most successful systems change initiative of the Instituto Reos to date is the Sustainable Fashion Collaboration, a 6-year old ongoing multisectoral platform for collaboration and innovation engaging approximately 90 leaders from across sectors, institutions and communities. 

  • The Reos Institute partners with the entities of the Reos network as well as with other entities and individuals as needed in the implementation of its programmes and towards its public utility purpose. The Institute intends to reinforce, amplify, and complement the positive contribution of the work of the existing Reos entities and other partners actively engaged in multi-stakeholder collaboration. However, while Reos Partners provides consulting services, the Reos Institute and Instituto Reos do not have commercial activity. Rather, as a non-profit organisation, the Reos Institute convenes, hosts, resources, and sustains long-term collaborative platforms.